Saturday, September 17, 2005


Adventurous Trip

On that eventful night, I and this friend of mine decided to go for a haircut rather late into the evening. By the time we were done, it was already around 10. Having realised that we had already missed the dinner back at the hostel mess, which was anytime a welcome realisation we decided to treat ourselves at some restaurant.

So here we are looking for some good place to eat when we come across a street with a lot of bars. So we decided to give the food idea a rest for the time being and instead indulge in something much more alluring. A couple of drinks later my friend realises hes not in a condition where he could safely handle the bike, and I being more sober of the two had the duty to find us a place to eat. The drinks clearly had deteriorated the hunger.

So then while still on our way, we come across a place with two marriage parties going on simultaneously on both sides of the street. For those of you who are as stupid as me and the last statement didnt ring a bell in your mind, my friend was eyeing me with a raunchy smile made worse by the fact that he was drunk. As the full realisation of that smile dawned on me, I was like - "You cant be seroious, c'mon man. Holy crap, you are serious." So after a certain amount of prodding and persuation by my friend, and taking into account the fact that he had his share of such misdemeanours and that too successfully, we settled on the more glamorous (meaning the one with more hot babes) one of the two weddings.

I was already quite nervous due to this whole masquerading thing around a bunch of strangers and mind you a drunk friend and those hot chicks didnt in any way alleviate my misery. I was frantically pushing my friend towards those food stalls who by the way was drooling over any damn girl we came across when the shock stuck me. I was face to face with someone not so strange. Yes that was the instructor of one of the courses I was doing in that semester. Damn. Of all the damn marriage parties and of all the damn courses being offered, this was the particular combination I had to choose. Anyway, with apparently no other option left with me, I muttered a curt hello to him when he asked me the question I had been dreading all along. "Whose side are you on?" That depends on whose side you are on sir was the reply I would have preferred. But my preferences hadnt really been of any help so far. "I am a girls man sir." was my reply. And you sir? I asked him with fierce trepidation and anticipation. It turns out that lady luck was not totally against me, he being with the boys side, I had no more questions to fear.

After that, we gobbled up whatever we could find in a jiffy before laughing all the way to our hostel over our adventurous trip.

I think I know who was the friend. But damn, I need to know who was the instructor.
that was the special topics instructor ...i dont think u r doing his course this sem..
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