Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Gone are the days....but not the memories

Gone are the days....but not the memories

Received this forwarded poem which made me really nostalgic-

Gone are the days...........but not the memories
Gone are the days
When the school reopened in June,
And we settled in our new desks and benches.
Gone are the days
When we queued up in book depot,
And got our new books and notes.
Gone are the days
When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet
Managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.
Gone are the days
We learnt writing with slates and pencils, and progressed
To fountain pens and ball pens and then micro tips.
Gone are the days
We began drawing with crayons and evolved to
Colour pencils and finally sketch pens.
Gone are the days
We started calculating first with tables and then with
Clarkes tables and advanced to calculators and computers.
Gone are the days
When we chased one another in the corridors inIntervals,
And returned to the classrooms drenched in sweat.
Gone are the days
When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors,
Playgrounds, under the trees and even in cycle sheds.
Gone are the days
When all the colours in the world,
Decorated the a sing! le P.T. period in the week's TimeTable,
Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons.
Gone are the days
When cricket was played with writing pads asbats,
And Neckties and socks rolled into balls.
Gone are the days
When few played "kabadi" and "kho-kho" in scorchingsun,
While others simply played "book cricket" in theconfines of classroom.
Gone are the days
Of fights but no conspiracies,
Of Competitions but seldom jealousy.
Gone are the days
When we used to watch Live Cricket telecast,
In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks.
Gone are the days
When few rushed at 4:45 to"Conquer" window seats in our School bus.
Gone are the days
While few others had "Big Fun","gulfi ice" and "pepsi !" at 4o Clock.
Gone are the days
Of Sports Day, and the annual School Day ,
And the one-month long preparations for them.
Gone are the days
Of the stressful Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Exams,
And the most enjoyed holidays after them.
Gone are the days
Of tenth and twelfth standards, when we
Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests.
Gone are the days
We learnt, we enjoyed, we played, we won, welost,
We laughed, we cried, we fought, we thought.
Gone are the days
So much experience, all this and more.
Gone are the days
But not the memories, which will be
Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and
Ever and ever and Ever .
I hope you went back to ur Olden days...........for a IDID!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005



So mates here goes my first post of this blog, and no points for guessing the reasons for the name of the blog (mostly harmless), yes this is a tribute to the greatest writer, who has completely mesmerized me by his witty though long one-liners, his impeccable comic timing and his amazing imagization, whom i've had the privilage to read. What did u say, u heavent heard of him yet ? Well if u arent joking, of which thr is very high probability considering the quite recent release of a movie based on his novel (the hitchhikers guide to galaxy), then i should have been treating u with not some very decent words but for the want of a more befitting place than this blog, I have instead decided to suggest u to go and lay ur hands as fast as u can on any goddamed Douglas Adams novel before i forget about the sanctity of this blog which i'll try not to disturb though pardon any slips on my part from time to time which are necessitated by people such as you.On a totally different note- my stomach has been trying real hard for sometime now to attract my attention by making these really weird sounds, which makes me think i'm hungry. But stay tuned, theres more to come. Signing off for now.hooey (thats the way dutch people say goodbye, not sure abt the spelling but thats the pronunciation, i'm in netherlands btw these days on a summer training, will talk abt this place sometime later.)

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