Tuesday, August 09, 2005



There must be something terribly wrong, but what?
Thats what I've been trying to figure out in vain for some time now. The reasons are now becoming more and more clear though. Lets attribute all that to the inherent prejudices of the human mind.

I used to mock at the other people in the class taking down notes religiously, attending all the classes. Well to me doing all that would somehow diminish the my self respect. I am after all a rung above the rest, or so my mind would have me believe. I am a staunch believer of John Nash and classes after all are for the masses. Little did I realise then that I belong to the masses, and I'm no John Nash. Shaken as I am at the moment at the realisation of the truth, I might even approve of those who even jot down the jokes the instructor might care to crack during the class or other such trivia verbatim, and believe me such suckers exist. Such people frustrated me so much that I wanted to cut them into small pieces and jump on the pieces till I fell down. Oh I'm sorry, got carried away a bit.

Theres this rather sinister prank, if you would allow me to call it that, which I and some of my friends play at other unsuspecting and innocent mortals. Of the many facets of the prank, one is to make the victim believe that he is one of the most smart and intelligent dude around and its really very hard to comprehend the lack of a girl in his life. Going by the extraordinary talent he posesses, I'm damn sure all the female creatures around him are vying for his attention, only he has never cared to notice. Most of them fall for the trick and then I'm their master steering them in all directions at my will. Well there are other alterations of the tricks too, but mentioning all of them here would be giving away too much. In case you think, this is too naive a prank, let me assure you it works, not only with the gullible lot but with the so called sophisticated or wary ones. Still dont believe me, wait till my list of victims, which is pretty large, includes your name as well.

But what has that got to do with this post. Well actually, I also fell into the ditch this one time. And the bearer of the whip was my own brain.
Mind can play really wicked jokes on you sometime, so beware. Unless of course you are an Einstein or John Nash, which I sincerely hope you are not.

best regards, nice info »
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