Sunday, August 21, 2005


Grade Mania

I'm not into debating whether licking the ass of your superiors for tacit favours is good or bad, right or wrong, but it cetainly is a surefire way of getting ahead of the bunch, and one of the many things that freak me out.
People here it seems would go to any extent, mind you any extent to get good grades, licking ass just happens to be one of the tactics they employ. There are other methods also which I would not like to elaborate upon for various reasons, but what could be worse than ass licking is anybodys guess. Given the craving of the the fools for grades, people having any remotest connection with the process of grading exploit their authority to the best. Blackmail, threats, sexual favours, you name it. Why am I so upset over these trivialities which anyway form a part of life? Well of course I'm no idealist, I'm as pragmatic a person as anyone else, but when a fucking TA, who still has to take the most basic lessons in civility and politeness, demands servility of me (of the licking ass type), it becomes a bit too much. To add salt to the injury are the constant threats of giving me a zero in the experiment, as if I care. C'mon now man, thats a blackmail in my face. Go ahead, do what you please, may your soul rot in hell is my response. I dont give nonsense and I refuse to take it.
If you feel fed up of my constant outpourings of frustration, I want you to know that, that is the purpose of this blog. Get out of here if you dont like it, and you might consider leaving your ass behind for the gratification of my sadistic soul. Frustration, it seems has really got to me.

Hi jaan

i know that u r one of the guys who r in the tidal waves of value crisis, but no problem its u who is living your life as u think that u should.congrats 4 this , let the others free to do what they want, bcoz in the present era u can,t change the mentality of others.
well, as far as changing the mentality part is concerned, that is not to be attempted...that is an exercise in futility or so i believe
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