Friday, July 08, 2005


Women Liberation????

I usually don't delve into topics such as these which are better left to the self proclaimed advocates of womens liberation movement but here we are talking about womens sexual liberation, yeah well that sounds more funky and yo. Let me explain.

I recently read an article on the sexual liberation of women, that proclaims that women might have become more financially independent but they are far from sexual liberation yet.
Today if a girl proposes to have sex with a guy, he would proclaim that at the top of his voice to all his friends. But equality dictates that the same should be the case with a girl as well, though I'm dubious about that one. For a guy its prestige issue, the more the number of girls he has slept with, the more the respect and awe he commands.
On the other hand if a girl goes around sleeping indiscriminately, she's termed a slut. Sleeping with her is no problem but men would normally develop a cold feet on long term plans. The question then is, is sleeping with random guys or girls right or wrong. Well that is debatable and in any case I frequently use such big words as right or wrong. What is right for one might be wrong for someone else.

In fact I know many people who would want a sati savitri (strictly virgin) for their wife, nothing else would do, even though they go drooling over every other girl they come across and would not miss a single opportunity to indulge in u-know-what. Their hypocrisy amazes me no end but then such is life. Sorry girls the time is still not on your side, screwing around only gets you screwed up. Wait some more.

Enjoyed a lot! » » »
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